COVID-19 Government Support for Businesses
Everything you need to know in one place

With so many new Government funding schemes and regulatory changes announced it's hard to keep track of all the amendments, rule changes and eligibility criteria – as well as the reaction from businesses. That's why we’re here to help; enabling you to navigate a path through all of the schemes, updates and reactions so you can take advantage of all the available support.

Grants and COVID Daily Briefing

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Last Updated 22 October 2024

1 Click on the Type of Support you need

There are 55 funding schemes and support measures to help your business needs
Rebate, Relief or Reimbursement Schemes to help with your business costs
Grants, Business Loans, Debt Purchases and Payment Deferral measures to help your business cash flow
Deferral of Income Tax and VAT payments to help your business cash flow
Benefit payments for the self-employed to help towards replacing lost income
Regulation changes such as Filing Extensions or Rule Suspensions to ease your administrative burden
2 Select Funding Schemes and Support Measures
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
When is it available?
Announcement Date
20 March 2020
Details Published
26 March 2020
Can I Apply Now?
Application submission required
Start Date
20 April 2020
Is it working?
Who does this apply to?
All Sectors
Type of Business:
Recruitment Agencies (agency workers paid through PAYE)
Public Authorities
Eligibility Criteria:
The scheme is open to all UK employers that had created and started a PAYE payroll scheme on 19 March 2020 and have a UK bank account
What support is available?
Support Type:
Support Available:
60% of wages for the hours the employee does not work, up to a cap of £1,875 per month. Employers must make up the difference of 20% to bring furlough payments up to 80% of wages (up to a cap of £2,500) for unworked hours, while continuing to meet NIC and pension contributions for furloughed wages.
How do I find out more and apply?
Application Method:
Use of the Scheme:
show more
Change History:
1 October 2020 - Government to pay 60% of wages up to £1875.00 for the hours the employee is on furlough
1 September 2020 - Government to pay 70% of wages up to £2.187.50 for the hours the employee is on furlough
1 August 2020 - Firms must now contribute towards their employees wages
show more
Statutory Sick Pay Rebate
When is it available?
Announcement Date
17 March 2020
Details Published
18 March 2020
Can I Apply Now?
Application submission required
Start Date
Available now
Is it working?
Who does this apply to?
All Sectors
Type of Business:
Small Business
Medium Business
Eligibility Criteria:
Employs fewer than 250 employees as of 28 February 2020
What support is available?
Support Type:
Statutory Sick Pay
Support Available:
Reclaim 2 weeks of Statutory Sick Pay at £94.25 per week (this rises to £95.85 in April 2020).
Applied retrospectively from 13 March 2020
How do I find out more and apply?
Business Rates Holiday (Retail, Hospitality and Leisure)
When is it available?
Announcement Date
17 March 2020
Details Published
18 March 2020
Can I Apply Now?
Application is automatic
Start Date
Applies to your next council tax bill in April
Is it working?
Who does this apply to?
Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Sectors
Type of Business:
All Businesses
Eligibility Criteria:
Properties that will benefit from the relief will be occupied properties that are wholly or mainly being used:

  • as shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas and live music venues
  • for assembly and leisure
  • for hospitality, as hotels, guest & boarding premises or self-catering accommodation
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Business Rates
    Support Available:
    12 months business rates holiday
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Businesses will receive a bill showing no business rates charge for the 2020-2021 tax year. Those who had already received bills for the 2020-2021 tax year will be rebilled
    Change History:
    25 March 2020 - Expanded retail discount guidance published
    18 March 2020 - Local authority guidance published
    17 March 2020 - First published
    Business Rates Holiday (Nurseries)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    17 March 2020
    Details Published
    18 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    Applies to your next council tax bill in April
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    On Ofsted’s Early Years Register
    Is used wholly or mainly for the provision of the Early Years Foundation Stage
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Business Rates
    Support Available:
    12 months business rates holiday
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Businesses will receive a bill showing no business rates charge for the 2020-2021 tax year. Those who had already received bills for the 2020-2021 tax year will be rebilled
    Change History:
    20 March 2020 - Nursery discount guidance published
    18 March 2020 - First pubilshed
    Business Rates Holiday (Scottish Airports)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    24 March 2020
    Details Published
    24 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    Applies to your next council tax bill in April
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Scottish airports as will organisations providing handling services for scheduled passenger flights at Scottish airports
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Business Rates
    Support Available:
    12 months business rates holiday
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Businesses will receive a bill showing no business rates charge for the 2020-2021 tax year
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    24 March 2020 - First published
    Jobs Support Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    24 September 2020
    Details Published
    24 September 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    1 November 2020
    Is it working?
    Not open yet
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    All employers are eligible, large businesses will have to meet a financial assessment test.
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    For every hour not worked by the employee, both the Government and employer will pay a third each of the usual hourly wage for that employee. The Government contribution will be capped at £697.92 a month.
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    details not announced yet
    Change History:
    24 September 2020 - First published
    Local Restrictions Support Grant
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    24 September 2020
    Details Published
    24 September 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Businesses that have been forced to close for a 3-week period or more due to COVID-19 restrictions
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £1,000 grant per 3-week period for firms with a property of a rateable value of less than £51,000
    £1,500 grant per 3-week period for firms with a property of a rateable value of more than £51,000
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Application is through local authorities
    Change History:
    24 September 2020 - First published
    Cultural Recovery Fund Grant for freelancers
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    28 September 2020
    Details Published
    28 September 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    5 October 2020
    Is it working?
    Not open yet
    Who does this apply to?
    Creative, Heritage, Arts, Culture
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Freelancers in the sub sectors of arts, creative industries, arts and heritage events, culture and heritage, whose work has direct creative/cultural outcomes.
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £7 million fund
    Grants of up to £2,500
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Change History:
    28 September 2020 - First published
    Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    11 March 2020
    Details Published
    23 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    23 March 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    All Sectors
    Excluding the following:
    Banks and building societies
    Insurers and reinsurers (but not insurance brokers)
    Public-sector organisations, including state-funded primary and secondary schools
    Employer, professional, religious or political membership organisations
    Trade unions
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Medium Business
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Have an annual turnover of no more than £45 million
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Loans of amounts up to £5,000,000
    The Government will make a Business Interruption Payment to cover the first 12 months of interest payments and any lender-levied fees
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Use of the Scheme:
    show more
    Change History:
    24 September 2020 - Scheme extended until 30 November 2020
    17 April 2020 - First online lending platform accredited by the British Business Bank
    11 April 2020 - New lenders accredited by the British Business Bank
    show more
    Bounce Back Loans Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    27 April 2020
    Details Published
    27 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Awaiting details
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Loans of amounts between £2,000 and £50,000
    100% Government-backed guarantee for the loan
    Fee and interest free for the first 12 months
    No repayments for the first 12 months
    Access the cash within days
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Use of the Scheme:
    show more
    Change History:
    24 September 2020 - Scheme extended until 30 November 2020
    4 May 2020 - Open for Applications
    27 April 2020 - First published
    Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    3 April 2020
    Details Published
    3 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    20 April 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    All Sectors
    Type of Business:
    Large Companies
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Have an annual turnover of between £45 million and £500 million
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    A government guarantee of 80% to enable banks to make loans of up to £25 million
    Loans backed by a guarantee under CLBILS will be offered at commercial rates of interest
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Awaiting Application Details
    Change History:
    24 September 2020 - Scheme to be extended until 30 November 2020
    03 April 2020 - First published
    Covid Corporate Financing Facility
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    17 March 2020
    Details Published
    18 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    23 March 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    All Sectors
    Financial Companies are excluded
    Type of Business:
    Large Companies
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Companies - and their finance subsidiaries - that make a material contribution to the UK economy.

    Companies that had a short or long-term rating of investment grade, as at 1 March 2020, or equivalent.
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Debt Purchase
    Support Available:
    The Facility will purchase sterling-denominated commercial paper, with the following characteristics:
    Maturity of one week to twelve months
    Where available, a credit rating of A-3 / P-3 / F-3 / R3 from at least one of Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Fitch and DBRS Morningstar as at 1 March 2020
    Issued directly into Euroclear and/or Clearstream
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Self-employment Income Support Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    26 March 2020
    Details Published
    26 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    13 May 2020 (expected)
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    You can apply if you’re a self-employed individual or a member of a partnership and you:

  • have submitted your Income Tax Self Assessment tax return for the tax year 2018-19
  • traded in the tax year 2019-20
  • are trading when you apply, or would be except for COVID-19
  • intend to continue to trade in the tax year 2020-21
  • have lost trading/partnership trading profits due to COVID-19
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Up to a maximum of £2,500 per month for 3 months
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Use of the Scheme:
    show more
    Change History:
    17 August 2020 - Second grant is open
    14 July 2020 - First grant has closed
    14 April 2020 - Guidance updated
    show more
    Cash Grants (Retail, Hospitality and Leisure)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    11 March 2020
    Details Published
    24 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Sectors
    Type of Business:
    A business in the retail, hospitality or leisure sector
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Properties that will benefit from the relief will be occupied properties that are wholly or mainly being used:

  • as shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas and live music venues
  • for assembly and leisure
  • for hospitality, as hotels, guest & boarding premises or self-catering accommodation
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    A £10,000 grant for businesses with a rateable value of under £15,000
    A £25,000 grant for businesses with a rateable value of between £15,001 and £51,000
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Small Business Grant Scheme Funding
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    11 March 2020
    Details Published
    24 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Eligibility Criteria:
    A business that is already receiving Small Business Rate Relief and/or Rural Rate Relief

    And are occupying a property
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £10,000 cash grant
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Some councils require you to apply online.
    Click here to find your local authority website
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    28 August 2020 - Scheme is now closed
    02 April 2020 - Grant funding allocations by local authority published
    24 March 2020 - Guidance for local authorities published
    Future Fund
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 April 2020
    Details Published
    20 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    20 May 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Unlisted high-growth companies that have previously raised at least £250,000 in equity investment from third party investors in the last five years
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Total of £500 million in public funds
    Loans of between £125,000 and £5 million from Government with matched funding from private sector
    Loans will automatically convert into equity on the company’s next qualifying funding round, or at the end of the loan if they are not repaid
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Use of the Scheme:
    show more
    Change History:
    24 September 2020 - Scheme extended until 30 November 2020
    20 May 2020 - Open for applications
    18 May 2020 - Launch date announced
    show more
    Targeted R&D Funding
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 April 2020
    Details Published
    20 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    4 June 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    SMEs focused on R&D activities
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Grants and Loans
    Support Available:
    £750 million of grants and loans through Innovate UK
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    20 April 2020 - First published
    Mortgage Payment Holiday
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    17 March 2020
    Details Published
    17 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Self-employed and Employees experiencing payment difficulties due to COVID-19
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Mortgage holders who are experiencing or reasonably expect to experience payment difficulties

    Payment holidays are also available to buy-to-let landlords whose tenants have been financially affected by coronavirus
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Agree with your lender that you will not have to make mortgage payments for a set amount of time
    You still owe the amounts that you don't pay as a result of the payment holiday. Interest will continue to be charged on the amount you owe
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Contact your mortgage provider to arrange a payment holiday
    Change History:
    4 June 2020 - Scheme extended
    20 March 2020 - Guidance Published
    17 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    Personal Loans Forbearance
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    17 March 2020
    Details Published
    17 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Self-employed and Employees experiencing payment difficulties due to COVID-19
    Eligibility Criteria:
    A personal loan refers to a regulated credit agreement, secured (other than on land) or unsecured, that is not a high-cost short term credit agreement, buy now pay later agreement, hire purchase agreement (including motor finance), credit card or overdraft.
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    An arrangement under which a firm permits the customer to make no payments under their regulated credit agreement for a specified period without being considered to be in arrears
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Contact your personal loan or credit provider
    Change History:
    06 April 2020 - Consultation on draft guidance closed
    02 April 2020 - Draft guidance published
    17 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    Motor Finance and High Cost Loan Payment Deferral
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    24 April 2020
    Details Published
    24 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    27 April 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Motor finance customers facing temporary payment difficulties
    High cost short term credit (payday loan) customers facing temporary payment difficulties
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Motor Finance
    Support Available:
    3 month payment freeze for motor finance customers
    No altering of Personal Contract Purchase or Personal Contract Hire agreements in a way that is unfair
    1 month payment freeze for payday loan customers
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Small Business Grant Scheme (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    24 March 2020
    Details Published
    24 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Eligibility Criteria:
    A business that is already receiving Small Business Rate Relief and/or Rural Rate Relief

    And are occupying a property
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £10,000 cash grant
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Small Business Grant Scheme (Wales)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    30 March 2020
    Details Published
    30 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Eligibility Criteria:
    A business that is already receiving Small Business Rates Relief
    And are occupying a property
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    A £10,000 grant for businesses with a rateable value of under £12,000
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Some councils require you to apply online.
    Click here to find your local authority website
    Change History:
    30 March 2020 - First published
    Cash Grants (Scottish Retail, Hospitality and Leisure)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    24 March 2020
    Details Published
    24 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Retail, hospitality and/or leisure sector
    Type of Business:
    A business in the retail, hospitality or leisure sector
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Properties that will benefit from the cash grant will be occupied properties that are wholly or mainly being used:

  • as shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas and live music venues
  • for assembly and leisure
  • for hospitality, as hotels, guest & boarding premises or self-catering accommodation
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    A £25,000 grant for businesses with a rateable value of between £18,001 and £50,999
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Some councils require you to apply online.
    Click here to find your local authority website
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    24 March 2020 - First published
    Cash Grants (Welsh Retail, Hospitality and Leisure)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    30 March 2020
    Details Published
    30 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Retail, hospitality and/or leisure sector
    Type of Business:
    A business in the retail, hospitality or leisure sector
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Properties that will benefit from the cash grant will be occupied properties that are wholly or mainly being used:

  • as shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas and live music venues
  • for assembly and leisure
  • for hospitality, as hotels, guest & boarding premises or self-catering accommodation
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    A £10,000 grant for businesses with a rateable value of under £12,000
    A £25,000 grant for businesses with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £51,000
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Some councils require you to apply online.
    Click here to find your local authority website
    Change History:
    30 March 2020 - First published
    Cash Grants (Welsh Small and Medium-Businesses)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    30 March 2020
    Details Published
    30 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Medium Business
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Small and medium sized businesses with between 10 and 249 employees
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £100,000 cash grant
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Submission not available yet
    Change History:
    30 March 2020 - First published
    Cash Grants (Welsh Micro-Businesses)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    30 March 2020
    Details Published
    30 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Micro Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Micro-businesses employing up to nine people
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £10,000 cash grant
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Submission not available yet
    Change History:
    30 March 2020 - First published
    Covid-19 Wales Business Loan Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    30 March 2020
    Details Published
    30 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Fully Subscribed
    Start Date
    30 March 2020
    Is it working?
    Scheme has closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Medium Business
    Eligibility Criteria:
    SMEs who have been trading 2 years or longer
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    The maximum loan you can apply for is the higher of: £10,000 per full-time equivalent employee or 25% of your last year’s turnover
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Scheme has ended
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    30 March 2020 - First published
    Economic Resilience Fund (Wales)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    17 April 2020
    Details Published
    17 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    17 April 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Start-ups, sole traders, micro businesses, SMEs
    Eligibility Criteria:
    For start-ups, sole traders, micro businesses: Employ up to 9 employees; have experienced in excess of a 40% reduction in turnover since 1 March 2020; can demonstrate that efforts have been made to sustain business activity; are not pursuing other forms of Welsh Government non-repayable grant funding support; and are not be entitled to business rate relief grant.
    For SMEs: employ up to 249 employees; have experienced in excess of a 60% reduction in turnover since the first day of March; are not be eligible for business rate relief grants, or if they are, that amount would be deducted from their allocation from this fund; have a sustainable business plan to trade beyond the Covid-19 pandemic; confirm no future compulsory redundancies will be made as long as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is in place; and are not be pursuing any other form of Welsh Government non-repayable grant funding support
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Grants of up to £10,000 for Start-ups, sole traders, micro businesses
    Grants of up to £100,000 for SMEs
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Business Hardship Fund (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    21 April 2020
    Details Published
    21 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    30 April 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    SMEs and Self-Employed
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Newly self-employed workers
    Creative, tourism and hospitality enterprises
    Vulnerable SMEs vital to local or national economic foundations of Scotland
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £34 million for newly self-employed facing hardship through £2,000 grants
    CLOSED - £20 million for creative, tourism and hospitality companies not in receipt of business rates relief
    CLOSED - £90 million for vulnerable SME firms vital to the local or national economic foundations of Scotland
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    8 May 2020 - Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund Doubled to £90m
    5 May 2020 - £45 million Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund paused for 7 days
    21 April 2020 - First published
    SME and Self-Employed Fund (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    15 April 2020
    Details Published
    15 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    30 April 2020
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    SMEs, micro companies, self-employed workers
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Self-employed people and viable micro and SME businesses in distress due to COVID and who are ineligible for other Scottish Government or UK Government schemes
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £100 million fund issued through grants of £2,000
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Applications will be through local authorities and enterprise agencies
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    15 April 2020 - First published
    Wellbeing Fund (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    13 April 2020
    Details Published
    13 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Third Sector
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Organisations across the third sector that are providing important services for people as a result of coronavirus
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £33 million in funding available
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Change History:
    13 April 2020 - First Published
    Charity Fund
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    8 April 2020
    Details Published
    8 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    May 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Third Sector
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Charities providing key services and supporting vulnerable people during the crisis
    SME charities delivering food, essential medicines and providing financial advice
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £360 million in grants for UK charities providing key services
    £370 million in grants for SME charities in England
    £20 million for BBC Big Night In charity appeal
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    £360 million fund will be directly allocated to charities
    Awaiting details on application system for £370 million fund
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    8 April 2020 - First published
    Third Sector Resilience Fund (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    18 March 2020
    Details Published
    14 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Third Sector
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations working in Scotland
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Grants of up to £100,000
    Interest free loans starting at £50,000
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Change History:
    14 April 2020 - Details updated
    18 March 2020 - First Published
    Discretionary Grant Fund
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    2 May 2020
    Details Published
    2 May 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    May 2020
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Small Businesses
    Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Businesses
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Additonal £617 million fund
    Grants up to £10,000 for small businesses
    Grants up to £25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure firms
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Applications will be through local authorities and enterprise agencies
    Click here to find your local authority website
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    28 August 2020 - Scheme is now closed
    2 May 2020 - First published
    Business Improvement District Funding
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    1 May 2020
    Details Published
    1 May 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    May 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Business Improvement Districts
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Business Improvement Districts
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £6.1 million fund issued through grants
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    The money will be paid to local authorities and dispersed to Business Improvement Districts
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    1 May 2020 - First published
    Emergency Loan Fund (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    7 May 2020
    Details Published
    7 May 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    18 May 2020
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Construction, Housing
    Type of Business:
    SME Housebuilders
    Eligibility Criteria:
    SME housebuilders with a turnover of £45 million or less per year and building five or more homes per annum.
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £100 million loan fund
    Loans up to £1 million
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    7 May 2020 - First published
    Business Improvement Districts Funding (Wales)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    6 May 2020
    Details Published
    6 May 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    May 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Business Improvement Districts
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Awaiting details
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Support with running costs for up to 3 months
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    The money will be paid to local authorities and dispersed to Business Improvement Districts
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    6 May 2020 - First published
    NI Micro-Business Hardship Fund
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 May 2020
    Details Published
    20 May 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    20 May 2020
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Northern Ireland
    Type of Business:
    Micro Businesses, Social Enterprises
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Businesses employing 1-9 people who have experienced a reduction in turnover in excess of 40% as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £40 million fund
    Up to £10,000 for firms which pay business rates on premises
    Up to £5,000 for firms that do not pay business rates
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    20 May 2020 - First published
    Business Rates Support Package (Northern Ireland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    19 May 2020
    Details Published
    19 May 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    19 May 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Northern Ireland
    Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Childcare, Retail, Airports
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Businesses in sectors hardest hit by the pandemic
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Payment holiday
    Support Available:
    Business rates payment holiday for firms in hardest hit sectors up to 31 March 2021
    Business rates payment holdiay for all businesses up to 31 July 2020
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    19 May 2020 - First published
    Defer VAT Payments
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 March 2020
    Details Published
    20 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Payments due between 20/03 and 30/06
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All UK businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    You are a UK VAT registered business and have a VAT payment due between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    If you choose to defer your VAT payment as a result of COVID-19, you have until 31 March 2021 to pay the VAT due
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required. You do not need to tell HMRC that you are deferring your VAT payment.
    Change History:
    30 June 2020 - Scheme closed
    26 March 2020 - Guidance published
    20 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    Defer Income Tax Payments
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 March 2020
    Details Published
    20 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Applicable to payments due on the 31 July 2020
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    You are due to pay your second self-assessment payment on account on 31 July
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Income Tax
    Support Available:
    Payments due on the 31 July 2020 will be deferred until the 31 January 2021
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required. No penalties or interest for late payment will be charged if you defer payment until 31 January 2021.
    Change History:
    30 June 2020 - Scheme closed
    20 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    HMRC Time To Pay Scheme
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    11 March 2020
    Details Published
    11 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All businesses and self-employed people in financial distress, and with outstanding tax liabilities
    Eligibility Criteria:
    You are eligible if your business:

    pays tax to the UK government
    has outstanding tax liabilities
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    HMRC will discuss your specific circumstances to explore:
    Agreeing an instalment arrangement
    Suspending debt collection proceedings
    Cancelling penalties and interest where you have administrative difficulties contacting or paying HMRC immediately
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Apply now by calling the HMRC’s dedicated helpline: 0800 024 1222
    Or click here to find out more and chat to an adviser
    Change History:
    11 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    Universal Credit Benefit Payment for Self Employed
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 March 2020
    Details Published
    20 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Self-employed who have coronavirus or are advised to self-isolate
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Universal Credit
    Support Available:
    £251.77 for a single person under 25
    Other amounts depend on personal circumstances
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Employment and Support Allowance Benefit Payment for the Self Employed
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    20 March 2020
    Details Published
    20 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Self-employed or employed who have been working within the last 2 to 3 years

    Made (or been credited with) Class 1 or Class 2 National Insurance contributions
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    £57.90 per week for a person under 25 whilst your application is being assessed.
    If you are eligible for new style Employment and Support Allowance, it will now be payable from day 1 of sickness, rather than day 8, if you have COVID-19 or are advised to stay at home.
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    If you’re already getting Universal Credit, speak to your work coach or case manager about applying.(blank)
    If you’re not already getting Universal Credit, you’ll need to phone the Universal Credit helpline to arrange a new claim on 0800 328 5644 (choose option 2)
    Change History:
    27 March 2020 - Updated guidance
    20 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    Commercial Tenants Protection Measures
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    23 March 2020
    Details Published
    23 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    25 March 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    England and Wales
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Commercial tenants unable to pay rent because of coronavirus
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Rent Payment
    Support Available:
    Landlords will have to give all renters 3 months’ notice if they intend to seek possession
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    23 March 2020 - First published
    25 March 2020 - Scheme started
    16 September 2020 - Scheme extended until end of 2020
    High Street Tenants Protection Measures
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    23 April 2020
    Details Published
    23 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    27 April 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    High street commercial tenants
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Rent Payment
    Support Available:
    Temporary ban on the use of statutory demands and winding up petitions for firms that cannot pay their bills due to COVID-19
    Preventing landlords using Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery unless they are owed 90 days of unpaid rent
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    19 June 2020 - Scheme extended to end of September
    25 April 2020 - Details updated
    23 April 2020 - First published
    Non-Pre-Emptive Issuances Temporarily Relaxed
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    1 April 2020
    Details Published
    1 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Scheme is now closed
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Scheme is now closed
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Large Companies
    Eligibility Criteria:
    UK Listed Companies
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Share Capital
    Support Available:
    Temporary guidelines recommending investors consider supporting issuances by companies of up to 20 per cent of their issued share capital
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    01 April 2020 - First published
    Temporary Suspension of Wrongful Trader Rules
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    28 March 2020
    Details Published
    20 March 2018
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    1 March 2020 (retrospective)
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All businesses
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Laws that make it illegal for a business to trade when it is insolvent are set to be suspended
    Temporarily suspending wrongful trading provisions retrospectively from 1 March 2020 for three months
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Accounts Filing Extension
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    25 March 2020
    Details Published
    25 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application submission required
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Your accounts will be late because your company is affected by COVID-19, and your filing deadline has not yet passed
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    3 month extension to file your accounts
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    25 March 2020 - Guidance update
    25 March 2020 - First Pubilshed
    MOT Exemption
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    25 March 2020
    Details Published
    25 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    30 March 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Vehicle Owners
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    6-month exemption from MOT testing for vehicle owners from 30 March 2020
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    25 March 2020 - First published
    Listed Company Accounts Publication Extension
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    26 March 2020
    Details Published
    26 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Large Companies
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Companies with shares listed on the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Accounts: Listed Company
    Support Available:
    2 month extension to publish financial accounts
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    26 March 2020 - First published
    AIM Company Accounts Publication Extension
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    26 March 2020
    Details Published
    26 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    Small Business
    Medium Business
    Large Companies
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Companies with shares listed on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Accounts: AIM Company
    Support Available:
    3 month extension to publish financial accounts
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    26 March 2020 - First published
    Renter Protection Measures
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    26 March 2020
    Details Published
    26 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    England and Wales
    Type of Business:
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Most tenants in the private and social rented sectors in England and Wales
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Rent Payment
    Support Available:
    From 26 March 2020 landlords will have to give all renters 3 months’ notice if they intend to seek possession
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Commercial Tenants Protection Measures (Scotland)
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    10 April 2020
    Details Published
    10 April 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    Available now
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Commercial tenants unable to pay rent because of coronavirus
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Rent Payment
    Support Available:
    Landlords will have to give all renters 14 weeks' notice if they intend to seek possession
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Change History:
    10 April 2020 - First published
    Tax Residency
    When is it available?
    Announcement Date
    19 March 2020
    Details Published
    19 March 2020
    Can I Apply Now?
    Application is automatic
    Start Date
    19 March 2020
    Is it working?
    Who does this apply to?
    Type of Business:
    All Businesses
    Eligibility Criteria:
    Expatriates or non-domiciled persons currently living in the UK
    What support is available?
    Support Type:
    Support Available:
    Update to the exceptional circumstances rules for claiming the SRT to include COVID-19 related reasons
    Days spent in the UK due to quarantine, self isolation, international border closures or at the request of an employer as a result of COVID-19 will be considered as exceptional
    How do I find out more and apply?
    Application Method:
    This is an automatic offer with no applications required.
    Details Published:
    Change History:
    19 March 2020 - First published
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